Sous-vision is a new method of cooking using low temperatures in an airless environment. Foods are placed in a sealed bag, which is left to simmer in a water bath for a long time. They are cooked at constant low temperatures.
The French were the first to use this technology. The technology came about thanks to chef Georges Mral and biochemist Bruno Gousseau. Their goals were different, but the result was the same. Parle sought to reduce the loss of valuable fat in the preparation of a costly dish called foie gras. Gousseau studied the effects of temperature on cooking.
Sous-vide can be considered an innovation in cooking. The real “vacuum” boom happened relatively recently. Today this technique is used in many restaurant kitchens, and such dishes are sold in retail chains.
The main advantage of the sous-vide technology is that it is gentle. Thanks to this, the food retains all the useful components. Due to low temperatures, the cell membrane remains intact. Products do not lose their juiciness. Their bright colouring combined with a crispy texture remains unaltered, even after extended simmering.
Products processed with sous-vide technology look more like cooked food. But they lack the dryness resulting from prolonged cooking.
Many people ask how to cook sous vide – it is quite simple. One does not need to be a highly skilled chef or work in a Michelin restaurant. Even a novice cook can cope with the task. Constant presence in the kitchen is not required – bags with products placed in them cook themselves in water.
What products can be cooked sous vide?
It is important to understand how sous vide works. One of the advantages of the technology is its versatility. It is suitable for cooking a variety of foods. This list can include:
- meat;
- fish;
- chicken;
- vegetables and mushrooms.

With the sous-vide technique, even the most budget cuts are easy to turn into a culinary masterpiece. The meat will be tender and juicy, pork breast will melt in your mouth.
Any kind of fish can be cooked using the sous-vide, but the best choice is considered to be fatty varieties – salmon, trout, and halibut. In the process of stewing, they “do not sprawl” in the pan.
Poultry is a grateful customer of sous vide. Most often, turkey and chicken are cooked in this way. The filet turns out juicy. Sous vide promotes the softening of duck meat. Products retain the correct consistency.
Even seafood and, of course, fruits and vegetables can be cooked in sous vide. Products do not lose their texture and natural appearance. The innovative cooking technology helps to reveal and enhance their natural flavor.
Sous-vide makes dry and tough meat juicy and tender. Every bite melts in your mouth. Vegetables are not transformed into a tasteless puree and remain crispy. With this technology, ordinary fruits can be turned into a delicious dessert. They will taste like marmalade.
Preparing the products for cooking
The main thing is to properly prepare the products for cooking. The meat and fish must be fresh, not stale.
The products are marinated in the traditional way, but there is one nuance – before cooking with sous-vide technology, they must be removed from the marinade.
The mushrooms and vegetables should be carefully examined, damaged pieces should be removed and washed.
Preparation of sous-vide
Cooking in a vacuum bag is ideal for people who adhere to a dietary system, vegetarians. Products should be toasted in their own juice at a low temperature to preserve the vitamins with trace elements. Oil should not be added. Spices can be used.
The sous vide method has two steps:
- packaging;
- heat treatment.
How to set the correct temperature and cooking time
One of the peculiarities of the sous vide technique is related to the temperature setting. The range is from 47 to 88 degrees. Cooking time can also vary, here much depends on the raw material used. Sometimes the process takes as much as three days.
Gentle cooking and low temperature ensure gentle cooking. Products are not subjected to harsh heat treatment. The temperature must be the same at each stage – this ensures the juiciness of the dish. A vacuum retains 90% of the vitamins and nutrients. The low temperatures used in sous vide do not compromise the integrity of the dietary fiber and protein structure.
What containers to use for sous vide cooking
Vacuum bags are most commonly used for cooking certain dishes in the sous- vide. Special plastic containers can also be used for this purpose. The container must be impervious to temperature influences. Its dimensions are chosen individually.
How to properly pack food before cooking
Before cooking, food must be properly packed. For this purpose, a vacuum bag is used. It is most convenient to use a special device for packaging. In the next step, the product is placed in a water bath, where it is cooked at a constant and relatively low temperature. The temperature regime should be controlled. It is not possible to cook products in such a way using a conventional cooking method, because the temperature during baking and cooking often exceeds 100 degrees.
The sous-vide technology is good because it makes it possible to cook different dishes. One pan can be a package of beef, chicken and fish. The main thing is to set the temperature correctly. The spices are selected individually.
Sous-vide method is easy to make part of a healthy diet. Products thanks to it retain their nutritional properties, do not lose their shape and presentable appearance.