The phrase “healthy eating” can be safely attributed to the most fashionable and current trends in modern society. What is “healthy eating”, can it be tasty, what benefits should it bring – these and other questions worry those who begin to think about their health and plan to switch completely to a healthy and proper way of life.
It so happens that for many years in movies and TV shows, television programs, newspapers and magazines, the sight of “healthy food” inspired thoughts of a hospital ward: gray lifeless and smeared on the plate thin film porridge, boiled chicken with nasty colorless skin, unpleasant color drinks and bitter broths. As a result, many people’s faces involuntarily crinkle at the mention of healthy eating. But this is just an old stereotype that has no real basis in fact.
In fact, healthy eating is tasty, healthy and interesting. In most cases, people who have switched to a healthy diet very quickly notice how much better, tastier and more filling their meals have become. In the process of transition you have to study a certain amount of information in order to understand what products you can and shouldn’t eat, how to process, combine and use them correctly and at what time it is better to consume delicacies so that they don’t cause irreparable damage to your health or body figure.
So what is a healthy diet? A healthy diet is, first of all, a fractional meal. It is better to eat in small portions 4-5 times a day. It is really useful and helps to improve your metabolism, to normalize your metabolism, to look better and feel good.
Healthy eating involves avoiding such foods as sugary carbonated drinks, fast food, fatty meats, smoked sausages and fish, sweets with excessive carbohydrates and harmful flavor enhancers. First of all, no one will take a vow to give up a barbecued kebab with friends, or a bottle of sparkling water. Just limit the consumption of these products to a minimum and make your diet more nutritious at the expense of healthy and no less tasty food.
Switching to a healthy diet, you’ll add more fruits and vegetables to your menu, begin to use the correct technology of food processing. Believe me, homemade orange and lingonberry lemonade combined with a burger based on dried cereal bread, green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers and steamed meat cutlet, seasoned with spicy soy sauce, will surpass any taste expectations. In addition, you will get the necessary portion of protein, fats and carbohydrates, fiber and micronutrients for the body.
Store-bought fruit yogurt can easily be replaced by a portion of homemade cottage cheese with fresh berries. And apple pie or pear quiche can replace any creamy dessert, far surpassing it in taste, health and nutritional qualities.