Do you also think that you can’t make a budget menu for every day if you eat right? That’s a misconception. You don’t have to eat expensive, overseas delicacies like chia, quinoa, goji, salmon, and avocado. It is possible to make a balanced diet without large financial expenses, which will help not only to gradually get rid of excess weight, but also to keep the results achieved.
The basis of a balanced diet in the menu for fast weight loss for every day should be vegetables, meat, fish, fruit, cereals, dairy products. To maintain a normal body weight, to have a cheerful spirit, to ensure good physical health, it is necessary to include daily in the diet:
Porridge, which is an important source of energy, a supplier of fiber. Dishes of oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, brown rice are complex carbohydrates that provide a feeling of fullness for several hours.
Vegetables contain a minimum of calories, but high amounts of fiber, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients. To reduce the cost of simple dishes from the PP menu for weight loss for a week, it is recommended to include seasonal and / or grown in your area vegetable crops: zucchini, all kinds of cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkins, onions.
Meat, fish are considered the main source of protein and contain essential amino acids. Of inexpensive meats can be recommended chicken, beef, turkey, lean pork. It is useful for those who lose weight to eat fish: river fish (pikeperch, carp, bighead), sea fish (hake, pollack, mackerel).
Dairy products saturate the body with protein, calcium, phosphorus, etc. Making a budget PP menu for the week, include kefir, white yogurt, ryazhenka, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, cheese up to 50% fat.
Fruit helps us maintain a balance of nutrients and a good mood. It is desirable to include apples, grapefruit, pears, oranges, kiwi in the diet in the first half of the day when losing weight. The figure will not hurt 1-2 pieces of different fruits a day.
Whole-grain bread, breads that do not contain sugar, yeast, leavening agents, preservatives. You can provide your daily quota of fiber by eating 50 grams of cereal bread a day.
Eggs belong to the dietary, healthy, cheap products. When drawing up a budget menu of proper diet for weight loss for a week, you need to consider that it is not recommended to eat more than 2 eggs a day.
Dried fruits and nuts will be a great alternative to sweets, confectionery products during weight loss. But they should be used in limited quantities because of their high caloric content.
Greens replenish vitamins, nutrients, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and regulate the metabolic processes. During the diet, you should use lettuce, spinach, mint, dill, coriander, parsley, green onions, basil, arugula.
Legumes are an important source of protein and have the ability to lower sugar and cholesterol. Inexpensive peas, beans, and lentils are on most PP menus because of their budget price and ease of preparation.
Only healthy and inexpensive ingredients are included in most of the PP dishes offered by Elementaree. You can customize your menu for the week by ordering home delivery of pickled, sliced, prepared foods. Choose the benefits and taste even while losing weight!
Diet meals are not starvation, but 3 full meals and 1-2 snacks. Between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, you can eat whole-grain bread toast with cheese or cottage cheese, fruit salad, drink a glass of kefir, yogurt, vegetable or fruit smoothies. During the period of getting rid of excess weight you need to drink water 15-30 minutes before meals, get enough sleep and follow a regimen of physical activity.
But do not expect the desired weight loss result from an expensive or inexpensive menu of proper nutrition in a week. Hateful pounds will go away gradually, while your health will improve and your mood will rise!